Jumping back on the bandwagaon…

So much goes on in this crazy house and I have to do a better job of keep up.  Seems Facebook status updates are the only way lately.  So here are some recent “favorites”

“It’s my favorite part, the swirling!”- Brendan very excited to see the toilet flushing while Aidan was showing him how to use the potty (at 5am).

Today’s story- kids in the bathroom comparing size. Seriously? It starts that young with boys?

Aidan’s teacher was working with him on letter sounds- she would show an object he would use letters to spell it. She showed him a safety pin. Teacher- “Did you know when my children were little we used these to keep their diapers on?” Aidan- “That must have hurt!”

Aidan saw a news story this morning about Groundhog Day. He asked us to explain Groundhog Day. After we did he looked at us and said, “Are you serious? People think an animal can tell when spring is? Don’t they know spring always starts in March?” Apparently my almost 5 year old is smarter than the people in Pennsylvania, but I think I already knew that.

And these are just from January and the beginning of this month.  Must.do.better.keeping.up.

boys will be boysYes they are still crazy!

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