Growing up

IMG_7006Sigh.  He’s getting old.

In a span of 48 hours Aidan told me how he “chipped in” with some other yacht club kids to order pizza, emailed his BFF to say he was excited to go with her and her family to Six Flags, went to the Yacht Club dance and started watching Dr. Who.

IMG_1225In the weeks since, he has gone bike riding across the street and crossed himself, made plans with friends and helped Nana program her phone (while talking about a friend having an iTouch).

It’s nice to see his independence and watch him grow.  He is certainly not a little boy anymore.  But it almost seems like overnight- or maybe its the sun and water at the yacht club this summer- that he is so much older. He’s becoming a silly, goofy, dorky fun kid you can have a good time with.  He does forget to put sunscreen on though.  And it is hard to get him Minecraft.  The teenage years are fast approaching.

photo (26)Aidan is looking forward to next week when he will be going to the Museum of Science for a camp to design video games.  He has a friend who went and said its great but Aidan didn’t want details so as to not spoil the excitement.

Ready or not, fourth grade here he comes.  Sigh.

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