Coming out day

We knew early – looking back, how could you not? And we knew at some point he would figure it out too. Until then we presented opportunities for both our kids to see that we would love them no matter who they are. “Let’s watch Modern Family together,” we said. “Have you seen the Halloween theme Neil Patrick Harris, his husband and kids chose?” we asked.
A few years ago over dinner Chris shared a picture he took at MIT- a big banner hung to celebrate Coming Out Day. Brendan asked what it was and we explained what “coming out” meant. He responded pretty quickly he didn’t understand why people couldn’t just be who they are and others just accept them.

It seemed like a naive comment, but it really wasn’t. That’s how Brendan has always lived his life. I’d like to think it’s because we tried our best to let “Brendan be Brendan” but really we are only one part.

He has in his life so many role models – friends, especially theater friends – who he has grown up watching and admiring. The authenticity he sees is all he knows.

For anyone who has struggled to get to a place of love and acceptance, know that seeing you makes Brendan, and other kids like him, live their truth. And for that we thank you.