Awards Days!

The end of the school year is coming.  A sure sign- end of year field trips and awards days.

This is Brendan’s first time participating in an awards day.  Each month the school gives out a “Doing the Right Thing Award” to coincide with the theme of the month.  Bren has been workinIMG_6821g for one- and in particular the last month “Independence.”  He has received student of the week, student of the month, a few star cards and BOKS kid of the week.

The end of the year awards are different- families come and students are called up to the stage.  The awards ceremony is divided into two parts.  In the classroom children who have academic honors, citizenship and perfect attendance receive awards.  Their names are called at the big ceremony and they stand to be recognized.  Then four awards are presented to a child in each class- achievement in Reading, Writing and Math and the Alice Casey Award.

Brendan received the Alice Casey Award.  It was described as the award for the child who tries to always do the right thing, who tries their best, is a good friend and loves to come to school.  That fits Brendan perfectly.  More special than seeing him receive it (we did not know he was getting it), was hearing his classmates say he deserved it.

IMG_0235Aidan received the Math Award in first grade and the Reading Award in second grade.  This year he again received the Reading Award.  Given the added up all the pages of all the books he read this school year (over 5,000 pages for fun!!), it seemed fitting.  He also received honor role.

So proud of both boys!

Spring session activities have come to an end

It seems we have this week or so when all the activities come to an end.  It tends to be a little hectic and busy but also a great time to realize how much the kids have grown and learned (outside of school).  Here’s a wrap up of the end of the spring session!


Aidan loved magic.  This was the second session he worked with Matthias the Magician.  He loved going each week and learning new tricks.  He practiced but sometimes the presentation became a little tricky.  He got to present a trick on two occasions and did a great job!  Aidan also joined a club called Gadgets and Gizmos.  His favorite was building Rube Goldburg machines.

Brendan was all about drama.  During the spring for two weeks he was actually participating in three drama classes!  At 4th Church this session was the All Star Review, lots of songs from lots of shows.  It was great!  He also tried out Wheelock Children’s Theater and had fun there too (and will be returning for summer camp).  His new activity was Hip Hop!! He was the only boy and they learned a dance to Parents Just Don’t Understand.  He did great!!

Together the boys continued piano.  While they don’t love to practice, they love to perform.  It was impressive to see how much they learned!IMG_0145