June 2019

June s Brendan’s favorite month of the year. Besides school ending, it is also his birthday and Pride month!

This year’s Pride Parade was another warm day. We marched with Boston Public Schools – same as last year but a much bigger turnout! We saw friends along the way and had a great time.

Big news this month – Jenney was named a rummer up for Massachusetts Teacher of the Year! There was a special ceremony at the State House. We are all so proud of her! Her school decided to have a special day in her honor as a surprise. We all went to her school for the ceremony. The kids were dressed in her favorite colors. There was a special video. They had tshirts made in her honor as a surprise too. She was very moved. It was such a fun day!

On Brendan’s 12th birthday he found out he was not going to school – instead we were heading to New York to (finally) see HAMILTON! We also had an opportunity to see the Stonewall Inn as it was about to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the riots.

School ended with all the fun end of the year events. The kids were very ready for a summer break. In the fall we will have a high school freshman. Yikes!

One of the highlights of the month for me – seeing the New Kids on the Block Mixtape tour with some very special friends!

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