March for Our Lives

The Valentine’s Day school shooting in Parkland, Florida was an awful tragedy. It was the latest in a long line of school shootings. I remember telling Chris in the days ahead that this one felt different some how. Students emerged early on sharing stories, speaking eloquently and demanding change. These kids only know of safety drills like fire drills. And they had enough.

As often happens you hear that after a tragedy it isn’t the time for politics. And they heard that too. So they set a date- more than a month away – and said this is when we march. And all around the country thousands joined in just as we did here in Boston.

It’s not about getting rid of the Second Amendment or all guns. It’s about sensible gun control. There is no need of a citizen to need a military grade weapon to protect their home or game shoot.

It was an inspiring day to see so many people marching and to read their signs. It does feel like change is coming. The mid-term elections will surely be a sign of how people are feeling.

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