Today was Brendan’s Turn

Part of the reason we chose London for this year’s vacation was that it combined both boys interests- Harry Potter for Aidan and theatre for Brendan.  Today was Brendan’s turn.

IMG_0777He has loved walking around and seeing ads for plays on busses and billboards.  He thinks we should see everything playing!  But today our tickets were for Matilda.  Both boys loved it!  They also loved that during intermission Haagen-Daz ice cream was available!

Earlier in the day we did some exploring on the bus.  It’s the year of the bus in London.  Not sure what that means but it was fun to sit on the top deck.  We seemed to have come to London at quite a busy time.  We keep running into school groups as school is about to end here in a few weeks.  There were lots of student groups at Matilda!  We are also here during the City of London Festival (it lasts a month), Wimbledon and on Monday the Tour de France will be going through London!  Lots of activity but we fit right in with all the tourists!

Another fun thing about being here- Brendan’s appetite!  He isn’t eating foods that are different, just eating more of what he likes!  Typically at school he would take only a couple bites of a peanut butter sandwich.  We brought sandwich to have for lunch at St. Paul’s today and he went back for thirds!!!  That’s a sandwich and a half!  You may see a much taller Brendan when we return! IMG_0771

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