About Montessori

Aidan began his second year at Walnut Park Montessori School today. On Wednesday Brendan begins his first year. They are in the same classroom- Room 2!

If Aidan were going to a traditional school he would be in kindergarten. But in a Montessori school kindergarten age children are referred to as the “oldest children” usually having been in the same classroom for three years (Aidan spent his first year at Boston College Children’s Center). The classroom is multi-age and children range from 2.9 years-6 years old. The educational philosophy is based on the teachings of Maria Montessori, an Italian doctor and teacher who lived in the late 1800’s/early 1900’s. She believed children learned best when they were able to learn and discover on their own. She believed in nurturing children to allow them to become self motivated, independent, life long learners.

The areas of the classroom include Language Arts, Math, Science, Geography, Everyday Living and Sensorial. Children are free to choose their work. Teachers and oldest children present lessons to students or small groups. The role of the teacher is to act as a guide and observer. The focus is on process not product.

We have been extremely pleased with Aidan’s enthusiasm and Independence. He has thrived in this setting. His interests have gone far beyond anything we could have imagined for a five year old. We look forward to Brendan’s experience.

Here are some great web sites about Montessori education:



And Walnut Park’s website-

Just for fun- the creators of Google credit their Montessori education with their success:

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